Inspired by our ideals of Service, Sustainability & Coffee, we opened our doors during a most uncertain time with the goal of serving our neighborhood and spreading kindness when the world needed it most.
Even though our original design and service model had to be modified and adapted due to the conditions that affected the restaurant & service industry in 2020, such as an addition of a Grocer to our shop, our main ideals have never changed and continue to be our guide as we look forward to the future.
Our desire is to not only share amazing coffees but also to provide an exceptional experience to our guests rooted in genuine service and loving our neighbors. We believe in intentionality, looking to take care in treating everyone lovingly and respectfully with the purpose of building up our community. We respect all beliefs, ideologies, backgrounds, identities & humanity and we strive to value every single person who is part of our growing community.
To care about people is to care about the world we live in. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, over 1,000 tons of single use paper & plastic cups and plates end up in landfills each year. We have joined a growing movement of coffee shops around the world that use glass jars as their only takeaway option, which was spearheaded by Bar Nine in Culver City, CA in 2013. We are proud to have never served a prepared coffee drink in a single use paper or plastic cup since we opened in June 2020. We are also committed to sustainable practices, such as recycling, composting and offering compostable takeaway containers, and minimizing food waste, and are continually looking to improve how we operate in an effort to better steward our resources.
We define ourselves by the pursuit of what we are the most passionate about: coffee. We are intentional about our approach to coffee, paying the utmost attention to detail, from how we brew to how we serve as we look to share our vision of what coffee is and can be.
We are a multi-roaster, sourcing from roasters both local and from around the world who share our commitment to quality and passion. Our goal is to explore coffees that are both unique and offer a sense of comfort that make for a rich and delectable experience. We are thankful for all the relationships we have managed to create and uphold with the roasters that we work with, knowing that coffee is a wonderful way to connect with people on both sides of the supply chain. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve and share coffee with you.
Glass Jar Program
As part as our commitment to sustainability, we serve all of our To Go coffee beverages in reusable glass jars as opposed to single-use paper or plastic cups. Our To Go Jars are available for a refundable $1 deposit. Bring back your jar to apply the $1 deposit towards your next drink! No plastic or paper cups are available at the shop.
No Tipping Policy
Our passion and care for people starts with the people who work with us. As such, we kindly and politely do not accept tips.
Inspired by the Hospitality Included model pioneered by Danny Meyer from Union Square Hospitality Group, we were founded with the intention of offering our employees and collaborators a fair and livable wage, having not accepted tips since we opened in June 2020. We believe in a sustainable business model that allows us to pay higher wages with pricing that reflects the high level of quality and service we have set for ourselves. While our pricing might initially appear higher than average, rest assured this payment structure seeks to ensure the well-being of our employees while being able to offer best version of our product we can.
We believe eliminating tips allows for more financial security for our employees, a condition that tested our industry in the past year. Your purchase allows us to deliver on this commitment to our employees while erasing their reliance on tips for survival. As we work towards finding a fairer compensation structure in our industry, we hope to inspire others to do the same. We are and are legitimately happy to serve you and grateful for your continued support!